As published in The Florida Villager
Pack an Adventure Bag
If you think about it, every day you’re traveling. You travel to the store, you travel to work, to family and friends and every time you get in the car, it is a potential adventure. Over time, I have learned to be prepared for the unexpected. I have compiled a list for what I have termed my Adventure Bag. Everything in there has stemmed from me being faced with the unexpected and not having what I need. When you are putting your bag together think of scenarios that have occurred unexpectedly and that is what goes in your bag. For example, I love abandoned anything and it is nothing for me to see an abandoned building on the way to somewhere else and veer off to explore. Therefore, the boots, sneakers, jeans come in handy. Another example is I am known for spontaneous pedicures. This is where the sandals/flip flops are a necessity. I’m on the road constantly and have been the recipient of many a traffic jam, hence, the snacks and water. See where I am going with this?
Of course I carry the bare necessities: jumper cables, jack, first aid kit and flares. In addition, I always have my Adventure Bag in my Jeep. The contents are as follows:
- Rubber boots
- Paper towels
- Hat
- Sunscreen
- Bathing suit and towel
- Blanket
- Binoculars
- Sandals/flip flops
- Jeans/shirt/socks
- Sneakers
- Small, lightweight backpack
- Cheap sunglasses
- Snacks/water
- Rain poncho
- Pad and pen
- Extra phone charger
- A good old fashioned atlas
- Makeup bag- Ladies, I think this is a must. Many a time I have left the house to run errands sans makeup and a friend will call to invite me to Happy Hour. No problem!
Here are some ideas to get you thinking. If you are an artist, you never know when something will catch your eye that you want to sketch, so throw a pad and pencils in your bag. Perhaps you like to hike, do you really want to pass up that interesting trail because you don’t have what you need? Throw an extra pair of shorts, shirt and sneakers in your bag. Maybe you love to stop at every yard sale, consignment shop and thrift store that crosses your path, keep a running list of measurements of rooms or items. I actual do this because once I wasn’t near home but came across the most adorable shop and of course I stopped. I had been wanting a small table for a specific place and found one there I fell in love with. However, I did not have the measurements and left disappointed. So now I keep a list on my phone.
When I reflect back on some of my fun times, I realize they have been the spontaneous ones. One day I was having drinks with a friend at a beach bar, and we decided after a few margaritas that we wanted to go swimming. Guess what? Not an issue as I had my bathing suit in my trusty Adventure Bag.