As published in The Florida Villager
Bells will chime, the ball will drop in Times Square and the sky will be aglow with fireworks as a new year is born. The New Year ushers in time for reflection, self- awareness and resolutions. Most people’s resolutions or goals are specific things they want to do or acquire but very rarely a concept or mindset. I invite you to think on a broader scale; something that will impact all aspects of your life, and that is the concept of change and how you view it.
My question to you, my readers, is what will you do with your new year? Will you continue to carry around old hurts and resentments? Will you choose to still see the negatives about your divorce instead of the positives? Or will you allow yourself to remain in the same place that didn’t work for you last year?
This is the year to have a “Change is Good” mentality. Look at whatever is keeping you stuck or isn’t for your highest good and let it go. Breathe freshness into your home by changing up the décor. Get a new hairdo or change your wardrobe. What friends are really friends and not just people who hang around you?
Life is not waiting for you. The clock is still ticking whether you are living or only existing. Choose to live each day. Change your perspective on your circumstances so you are grateful for what you have and not focused on what you have lost. Change is good.
Get rid of fear, as it serves no purpose. Most of my clients struggle with fear of the unknown, losing the familiar and the change that is inevitable with a divorce. When fear creeps in, tell yourself, “Change is good” and start listing all the positives that can come with that change in circumstances. Instead of being afraid of the unknown, embrace it and look at it with anticipation instead of apprehension.
Another phrase I hear quite a bit is, “We always did it that way.” Well, let me point out the obvious, you are no longer a “we” but an “I” and you are free to change things up anyway you want to. Enjoy the freedom that comes with change. Change is good.
Step out of your comfort zone and do things you haven’t done. Getting in a rut is a slow and imperceptible process and once it’s there, it becomes familiar and hard to get out of. Change it up because why? Change is good.
George Bernard Shaw said, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
We all become conditioned for different reasons. Do not be a person who lives with complacency due to fear of the unknown. Nothing will damage your soul more than feeling trapped by your self-imposed limitations due to fear. We cannot change time, only what we do with it. Make 2017 your year by remembering Change is Good.