As published in The Florida Villager. Me, Myself and I – The Art of Traveling Solo I’m always quite surprised…
As published in The Florida Villager. The Eye of London No, I’m not talking about the monstrous Ferris wheel in…
As published in The Florida Villager. Rethink How and Why You Travel in 2024 Traveling is good for your psyche. …
As published in The Florida Villager. Holiday Travel Tips Holidays are a time of gatherings and usually that entails travel…
As published in The Florida Villager. A Wine and Soup Weekend in Virginia The day could not have been more…
As published in The Florida Villager. Traveling For The Holidays It’s hard to believe that the holidays are peeking around…
As published in The Florida Villager. Tips When Traveling Abroad I hear more and more people telling me that after…
As published in The Florida Villager. Pick Your Traveling Buddy Wisely I personally love to travel alone but there are…
As published in The Florida Villager. Where Are You Going This Summer? “So, what are your plans for the summer?” …
As published in The Florida Villager. Tips for Vacationing with Special Needs Children Summer will be here before we know…