As published in The Florida Villager
Last month I talked about traveling with a purpose in 2019 so it only makes sense that I delve a little deeper into that concept. So many people start their new year off by making a vision board consisting of their desires for their career and personal life. However, when I started asking around, I realized no one was making a vision board solely based on their travel dreams.
What better way to gain clarity on traveling with a purpose than to create a vision board? Just like with any vision board it will be a collection of words, phrases, and pictures that resonate with you when you see them and is a visual depiction of your travel goals for the new year. This will be your inspiration!
So let’s get creating…
Keeping the concept of traveling with a purpose in mind, grab a piece of paper and start writing the specific things you want to do.
After that, write down the places you would love to visit and then do your research. Check to see if your dream destination offers what you want to accomplish. The next step is to look at the logistics. How long will you stay? What are the costs involved? How much travel time? If all of this pans out, the fun part begins; creating your board.
Make this time special and about you. Light a candle, play soft music and get comfortable with all your supplies. You will need scissors, glue, poster board and tons of magazines. Start looking for pictures and words that describes your particular trip or trips. When creating your board, group everything pertaining to that one trip together in one corner of the board, lay it out before gluing and then move on to the next trip. Remember, there is no set way to make a vision board. This is about you and it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t look like your friends. If you are hesitant about your creative skills, take a peek on Pinterest or scan the Internet. There are tons of ideas out there but it really is best if it just flows from you. This is a personal exercise and experience.
Here are some very important tips for manifesting your travel goals. When putting your board together, be mindful as you place the pictures and words on your board. Take the time to really look at the picture and words, feel the sensation the picture evokes in you and say the words out loud. If you long to go to St. Lucia, feel the silence of the rain forest and the sand between your toes. The important take away here is that the pictures and words on your board are important but being able to actually feel the sensation is the absolute key to manifesting. Once completed, speak positive affirmations over it and hang it where you will see it multiple times a day.
Make your travel dreams a reality in 2019. With clarity, purpose, planning and yes, your vision board, you will be saying Bon Voyage in no time. Happy Trails.